How to customize your analysis

This document is intended for mini program developers to customize their analysis and track user behavior in a mini program.

What is customized analysis?

With the customized analysis function, you can perform multi-dimensional and near real-time analysis of user behavior in a mini program. In addition to the standard analysis, such as page views (PV) and unique visitors (UV), you can define different conditions and metrics to measure the mini program's performance according to user behavior.

For example, for an e-commerce mini program, you can configure the settings and obtain detailed analysis on the following scenarios:

  1. What is the conversion rate for users who have taken a certain path, from viewing the product page, product details, user reviews, to placing an order, and finally paying to complete the purchase?
  2. What is the participation rate of online activities across different hourly time periods?


To get the most of your customized analysis, you need to have basic statistics to measure the analysis against. For example, you can analyze an e-commerce mini program from the following aspects:

  • Order quantity and total payment.
  • The conversion rate and churn rate at each step in the purchase process.


To customize your analysis to meet your business requirements, complete the following steps:

  1. Define an event

Define an event and configure the data reporting method based on your requirements. An event is an action made by the user in the mini program.

  1. Publish an event

Collect data after publishing an event.

  1. Analyze events and funnels

Analyze data collected according to events.

Related information

You can read more details about the analysis features in the following topics: