Tool Bar

The tool bar of the Mini Program Studio locates in the top of the software. It contains the core function of the Mini Program Studio.

Tool Bar

You can see the descriptions for each option in the toolbar from the left to right.

Associate Mini Program

One developer account can have multiple Mini Programs. After the account login, developers are required to associate the Mini Program under development. Associated application decides which code package will be uploaded to which Mini Program when you click to upload the codes.

Tool Bar

Toggle Display Area

The middle of the tool bar can control whether display the coding area, devtools view and simulator.

Note: the function panel will display or dismiss together with coding area. The coding area and devtools can not be hidden at the same time.

Tool Bar

Compiling Mode

By default it is in normal compiling mode. In other words, the default refresh simulator will open the home page and not pass in any parameter. You may add custom compiling mode so that it starts from another page upon the simulator refresh with related parameters, which will increase debugging efficiency.

Tool Bar

By clicking the Compile selector and then click the New option, you can create a new compiling mode.

Tool Bar

Clear Cache

Clear the build cache and network cache.

Tool Bar

Remote Debugging with Real Machine

During the real machine debugging, it is possible to view the debugging information in Mini Program Studio, and you can also set breakpoint, check runtime logs. For details see Remote Debugging.

Preview with Real Machine

Use app to scan the QR code and preview the Mini Program in the app of real machine. The QR code will be invalid after 15 minutes.


On basis of the associated Mini Program, the Mini Program codes are uploaded to the Mini Program Developer Portal to build an executable program in app. The uploaded version can be specified, if not specified, the current version is incremented by 1(the current version must be greater than the previous version). After the upload is completed, a unique development version is generated in the Mini Program Developer Portal.

For the version management standard and specifications, see Semver.

Tool Bar


Click the Details button in the tool bar, the details window will display in the editor area.

Tool Bar

The details mainly contains following information:

  • The associated Mini Program name, local project path and online version of the Mini Program.
  • Modify the project configuration
  • Enable component2 compile: it needs to be enabled for custom component, see details here.
  • Enable Axml strict check: it will check the grammar of the axml file in strict mode, which can help to improve the quality of the code.
  • Enable parallel loader: it will use multiple processes to build the project to make it faster.
  • Enable distFile minify: minify the source code. By default, in preview and debug mode, the code is not minified. In production, it will always be minified.
  • Ignore the domain check for request API such as my.request, my.uploadFile in simulation, preview and debug mode.
  • Ignore the domain check for web-view component in simulation, preview and debug mode.


If you have not login to the Mini Program Studio, click the Login button to login.

After login, click the avatar, you can choose to logout the Mini Program Studio. If you exit the Mini Program Studio after logout, next time when you re-open the Mini Program Studio, login is required.