
movable-view can be dragged and slid in the page. The movable-view component must be in the movable-area component and must be a direct child node. Otherwise, the component can't move.


  • movable-view must set the width and height properties. Otherwise, the default value 10px is used.
  • By default, movable-view uses absolute positioning, which can't be changed. The values of the top and left properties are 0 px.
  • When movable-view is smaller than movable-area, the moving range of movable-view is within the movable-area. When movable-view is larger than movable-area, the moving range of movable-view must cover the movable-area. The x-axis direction and the y-axis direction are separately considered.

Sample Code


<!-- API-DEMO page/component/movable-view.axml -->
<view class="page">
  <view class="page-description">movable-view</view>
  <view class="page-section">
    <view class="page-section-title">movable-view is less than movable-area</view>
    <view class="page-section-demo">
        <movable-view x="{{x}}" y="{{y}}" direction="all">movable-view</movable-view>
    <button style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" type="primary" onTap="onButtonTap">Click Me to Move to (30px, 30px)</button>
  <view class="page-section">
    <view class="page-section-title">movable-view is greater than movable-area</view>
    <view class="page-section-demo">
        <movable-view class="max" direction="all">movable-view</movable-view>
  <view class="page-section">
    <view class="page-section-title">Can only be moved laterally</view>
    <view class="page-section-demo">
        <movable-view direction="horizontal">
  <view class="page-section">
    <view class="page-section-title">Can only be moved vertically</view>
    <view class="page-section-demo">
        <movable-view direction="vertical">


// API-DEMO page/component/movable-view.js
  data: {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
  onButtonTap() {
    const { x, y } =;
    if (x === 30) {
        x: x + 1,
        y: y + 1,
    } else {
        x: 30,
        y: 30


// API-DEMO page/component/movable-view.json
  "allowsBounceVertical": "NO"


/* API-DEMO page/component/movable-view.acss */
movable-area {
  height: 400rpx;
  width: 400rpx;
  margin: 50rpx 0rpx 0 50rpx;
  background-color: #ccc;
  overflow: hidden;

movable-view {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  height: 200rpx;
  width: 200rpx;
  background: #108ee9;
  color: #fff;

.max {
  width: 600rpx;
  height: 600rpx;


directionStringnoneThe moving direction of movable-view. Valid values are "all", "vertical", "horizontal", and "none".
inertiaBooleanfalseThis field specifies whether movable-view has inertia.
out-of-boundsBooleanfalseThis field specifies whether movable-view can move after the view container is out of the movable area.
xNumber0This field defines the offset in the direction of the x axis, which is converted to the left property of the component. If the value of x is not within the movable range, the component is automatically moved to the movable range.
yNumber0This field defines  the offset in the direction of the Y-axis, which is direction is converted to the top property. If the value of Y is not within the movable range, it will be automatically moved to the movable range.
dampingNumber20The damping coefficient, which is used to control the animation triggered when the value of x or y changes and the animation that is pulled back when the component exceeds the range. A higher value leads to faster movement.
frictionNumber2The friction coefficient, which is used to control the animation that moves due to inertia. A higher value leads to higher friction and indicates that the movement stops earlier. Must be greater than 0. Otherwise the default value is used.
disabledBooleanfalseThis field specifies whether to disable the component.
scaleBooleanfalseThis field specifies whether to support two-finger scaling. The effective area for scaling gestures falls within the movable-view by default.
scale-minNumber0.5The minimum value of the scaling level.
scale-maxNumber10The maximum value of the scaling level.
scale-valueNumber1The scale level. Can range from 0.5 to 10.
animationBooleanfalseThis field specifies whether to use animations.
onTouchStartEventHandle-Finger touch starts and this event is passed to the parent node.
catchTouchStartEventHandle-Finger touch starts and this event only acts on the component and is not passed to the parent node.
onTouchMoveEventHandle-Finger moves after touch, the event is passed to the parent node.
catchTouchMoveEventHandle-Finger moves after touch, the event only acts on the component and is not passed to the parent node.
onTouchEndEventHandle-The touch action ends, the event is passed to the parent node.
catchTouchEndEventHandle-The touch action ends, the event only acts on the component and is not passed to the parent node.
onTouchCancelEventHandle-The touch action is interrupted, such as call reminding and popups.
onChangeEventHandle-The event triggered during dragging, event. detail = {x: x, y: y, source: touch}, where source shows the reason of the movement, for example, the value is touch.
onChangeEndEventHandle-The event triggered after dragging, event.detail = {x: x, y: y}.
onScale EventHandle-The event triggered during zooming,event.detail = {x, y, scale}.

onChange return value detail.source

The source field shows the reason of the movement.

touch-out-of-boundsThe movable range is exceeded.
out-of-boundsPullback after the movable range is exceeded.
Empty stringsetData.

Instruction:Please check the event type in the event introduction for bubbling event.