Bluetooth API Error Code Table
The table below lists the errors for bluetooth APIs. You can find error codes, error messages and solutions to resolve the errors.
Error Code | Error Message | Solutions |
10000 | The Bluetooth adapter is not initialized. | Call API my.openBluetoothAdapter for initialization. |
10001 | The Bluetooth adapter is not available. | Check whether BLE is supported in your device and enable the function if it's supported. |
10002 | Device not found | Check the device ID and make sure peripheral broadcast of the target device is enabled. |
10003 | Connection failed | Check the device ID and make sure peripheral broadcast of the target device is enabled. |
10004 | Service not found | Check the device ID and make sure the service is available for target devices. |
10005 | Characteristic not found | Use a correct characteristic ID and make sure the characteristic is enabled for the service. |
10006 | Connection lost | Disconnect and try again. |
10007 | Characteristic not supported | Check the read, write and notify functions of the current characteristic. |
10008 | System error | An unknown system error. |
10009 | BLE is not supported for Android systems with versions lower than 4.3. | Remind users it's not supported in the current android system version. |
10010 | Descriptor not found | Use a correct service ID and characteristic ID. |
10011 | Invalid device ID | Use a correct device ID. |
10012 | Invalid service ID | Use a correct service ID. |
10013 | Invalid charateristic ID | Use a correct charateristic ID. |
10014 | Invalid data | Use valid data. |
10015 | Timeout | Try again. |
10016 | Parameters not enough | Check the parameters and try again. |
10017 | Failed to write charateristic | Make sure writing is supported for peripheral charateristic. Don't disconnect. |
10018 | Failed to read charateristic | Make sure reading is supported for peripheral charateristic. Don't disconnect. |