How to add members to workspaces


This topic provides steps for the wallet and merchants to add members to their own workspaces. After onboarding on Mini Program Platform, the wallet and merchants can add members to collaborate to manage their workspaces.

For members who have permission to add members to workspaces, see the following figure:


  • Wallet: Only workspace admins have permission to add members to their workspaces.
  • Merchant: Only developer admins have permission to add members to their workspaces.


To add members to a workspace, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Navigate to Members tab

Log in to the platform and click Members on the navigation panel to the left. Then, click + New Members to initiate the process.image

Step 2: Invite members

Fill in the member's name and email and then set the role for the member. Roles on the platform are different for the wallet and merchants, see Workspace member roles for more information.

For the wallet

  • You can set the member as a workspace admin, workspace reviewer, workspace developer, or workspace operator. If set the member as a workspace developer, you need to assign mini programs for the role.


For merchants

You can set the member as a developer admin, developer, or operator. If set the member as a developer or operator, you need to assign mini programs for the role.


After setting the role for the member, click Invite to send an invitation email to the member.

Step 3: Manage invitation

A member invitation is valid for 3 days since you send it to the member. During this period, you can withdraw the invitation before the member accepts it. Once withdraw, you need to initiate the process again to add the member to the platform. If the invitation is expired, you can resend the invitation to the member.


Step 4: Manage members

After the member joins the workspace, you can block, delete, and set roles for the member. In addition, you can also check the statuses of members.

Block members

To block a member, click Block to continue the process. The blocked member cannot perform operations based on the assigned role but the member still displays on the member list. Once blocked, the member status will change from Active to Inactive.


Delete members

To delete a member, click Delete to continue the process. Once deleted, the number will be removed from the workspace. You can invite the member again.


Set roles for members

To set roles for a member, click Set Role and select the role that you want to set for the member. Then confirm the action to change member's role to the new one.


Check member status

Members who are invited to join a workspace move through different statuses from the time they are invited to when they are blocked.



Possible Actions

Invitation Sent

Indicates that a workspace admin or developer admin has sent the invitation to a member and waits for the member to join the workspace.

Withdraw the invitation.

Invitation Expired

Indicates that a workspace admin or developer admin has sent the invitation to a member but the member didn't accept it within the valid period.

Resend or withdraw the invitation.


Indicates that a member accepted the invitation to join the workspace. The member can perform operations normally based on the assigned role.

Block, delete, or set roles for the member.


Indicates that a member accepted the invitation to join a workspace but was blocked later. The member cannot perform operations normally until he or she is unblocked.

Unblock or set roles for the member.


More information

Workspace member roles

Member role authorization in tenant workspace

Member role authorization in developer workspace

Mini program member roles